
SAIPR – Precise targeting that delivers an RIO!

Target by geography

Target by demography

The SAIPR team delivers better reach and penetration because we use ad inventory from over a dozen ad exchanges. We access millions of websites and mobile apps on PC’s, tablets, and smartphones. We reach more unique potential customers than any one service like Google can.

SAIPR uses ove a dozen ad exchanges, delivering better reach and penetration

Google only uses cookies from their own data. We have access to cookies from over 300 data partners. And Google will not let you target IP’s appended from your propriety files!

Who can benefit? Lawyers, Doctors, Restaurants, Car Dealers, Yoga Studios, Restaurants, Politicians, anyone with a compelling message.  Watch this video about marketing car dealerships. The same applies to any other business!

We deliver for Law Firms

We deliver for restaurants

Precisely target your best potential customers. Follow them around online no matter where they go.

Contact Us and Start Advertising Today!

Award Winning Production

SAIPR has helped tell the stories of many companies and organizations.
We can help tell your story too.

USA needed a short, simple ad to let companies know they can save on Workers Compensation.

Sheriff Lou Falco needed campaign video to help him secure victory using our advanced online marketing program.

The Clarkstown Police Department needed something dramatic so citizens understood their value.

OJCC trains workers to have real careers in the skilled trades. They needed ads to run in the NYC market.

The singer was born, raised and lives in America. However, her parents Madonna hip surgery are of foreign origin. Thus, Madonna’s father Silvio Ciccone is Italian-American. And her mother, Madonna Louise Ciccone, is a French-Canadian from the descendants of the first immigrants.

A not-for-profit needed to get attention when they tried to sue the Port Authority in an effort to get minorities access to jobs.

An addiction recovery center needed an effective way to tell their story.