- Seven Traits of troubled Transitions
- Handbook of Poltical Marketing
- When Democracy Turns to Chaos
- New Technology Proves Pollution Fears Unfounded
- Iraq's Constitutional Conflicts Mirrors our Own
- Sectarian Power Blocks Thwart Lebanese Democracy
- Democracy and Oil Don't Mix: Why Pakistan Stands a Chance
- Article: To Protest Inequality
- Somalia Votes, But No One Notices
- Reengineering our Economy By Re-engineering our Education

The World Changes quickly, and with it the information that helps you stay one step ahead. SAI hopes that our reflections of certain events will help you.
As we work around the world, for business, governments, NGOs and political parties, we are often on the cusp of new dynamics that affect the way we work. Changes in technology, thinking, political movements and economic systems affect the way in which we must navigate the treachorous waters of public opinion. No business, political compromise or diplomatic peace negotiation can survive without understanding their new environments.
SAI occasionally makes news too.
Although our primary goal is to communicate on behalf of our clients, occasionally we also make a news cycle.